Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Hooch at AWP

The Hooch is presenting a panel at AWP 2013 in Boston: "'Because That's the Way It's Always Been Done': When Literary Journals Face Necessary Change."
Date: Saturday, March 9
Time: 4:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.
Location: Room 207, Hynes Convention Center

Literary journals must respond to changing readerships, budgetary constraints, evolving aesthetics, and limited staffing resources. The Chattahoochee Review, the Missouri Review, the Southern Review, and West Branch editors will address achieved results through editorial restructuring, website redesign, press partnerships, increased print and online content, social media outreach, and digital formatting.

AWP 2012:
Please stop by our table at AWP this year for an exclusive chance to buy one of the few remaining copies of our first issue under new editorship, featuring Natasha Trethewey and Aimee Bender! Also up for grabs, our second issue with a focus on Southern lit. We'd love to meet you!

TCR Home.