Thursday, May 30, 2013

Register for TCR's Writing the Veteran Experience Summer Workshop!

Update! Next workshop is October 15! Check back for more info.

The Chattahoochee Review (TCR) and GPC’s Military Outreach Center will present the Summer Semester session of the workshop series “Writing the Veteran Experience” on GPC’s Clarkston Campus, Wednesday, June 12, 2013, from 6-8 p.m. in room CA-1500.

The free workshop is designed for participants to write about their own experiences of military service, or to share stories of the impact on their lives of friends, parents, and grandparents who have served in the United States Armed Forces. 

The workshop welcomes participation from GPC students who are ASMs, OIF vets, and/or OEF vets; GPC alumni, faculty, staff, the general public and members of student veteran organizations attending other colleges and universities are also welcome.

Prior writing experience is not required; however, if participants have works in progress or completed compositions to share with a group, they are encouraged to bring them. Those works will receive consideration for inclusion in GPC’s award-winning student publications. 

  • Enrollment for the workshop is limited, so registration is required. 
  • To register or to find out more about the workshop, contact Alicia Johanneson, TCR’s literary events editor, at 678.891.3275.
  • Light refreshments will be served courtesy of The Chattahoochee Review.
Main workshop facilitators include:
Retired Colonel Robert G. Knowles, GPC’s Military Outreach Center
Anna Schachner, TCR editor
Lydia Ship, TCR managing editor